Miracle Grow for Your Business and Life
Okay, so I have never ever put a product in this spot. But I’m making an exception for this, because it’s made for people like us, creative entrepreneurs, artists, storytellers, and Law of Attraction wizards. LOAers as I call us. And it’s made BY one of us.
About this time last year, I was wishing for a more spiritual approach to business and art, and as always happens when we ask, it was given. I started noticing people talking about Leonie Dawson, and I got curious, and bought her Biz & Life Bundle. And it changed my business and my life.
Best Mail Delivery Ever!
In the mail, I got two gorgeous, high quality, spiral bound workbooks filled with assignments, questions, challenges, goal setting sheets, and whimsical, magical, woman-empowering art, plus a big fat hard cover weekly planner that is the best I’ve ever owned. I dove into the workbooks right away, and within the first several weeks of the year had filled them with plans, dreams and goals. But that planner is my daily best friend, and it has increased my productivity by leaps and bounds.
I love it so much I just ordered seven of them for Christmas gifts for the creative women in my life!
I really truly love this product, and it honestly has increased not only my joy and productivity, but my income, and it will do the same for you. I love it so much I’m an affiliate. I love it so much, I’m entering my second year as a member of her Shining Biz Academy and will probably remain a member for as long as the academy exists.
Anyway, the workbook collections sell out very quickly every year, so I’m putting you all on notice that they just became available and you should order yours as soon as you can. Leonie also offers electronic versions of all the workbooks and planners. And she has a lot of free stuff on her site too.Leonie Shining Life and Biz Free Goodies
Check out the site, and let me know what you think. I hope you guys don’t mind too much that I posted this here. It’s just been so, so good for me personally and professionally that I can’t stand not to share it with my tribe.
Click the image below to see the collection!

Click the link for more info and a great video!