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Maggie Shayne Lewis

I am myriad women. 

Bestselling Author, Witch, Spiritual Advisor, Tarot Reader,

Mom, Grammy-with-the-Sunglasses, Great Grammy, 

Editor, Blogger, and a whole foods plant-based vegan. 

I'm certified in plant-based nutrition from T. Colin Campbell's Center for Nutrition Studies through eCornell.


I am soulmate and wife to my soulmate and husband.

I am dog-mom to a senior mastiff with issues.

I am a storyteller, was born one, will die one.


This is the website devoted to my fiction. 

I have published 111 novels and novellas,

most with major NY publishers for

30 years as of September 2023. 

I was one of the first authors of a brand new genre:

Paranormal Romance.


In 2014 I started my own imprint,

Thunderfoot Publishing

and released more novels there.


In 2022 I signed with Oliver Heber Books

the house that now publishes my entire fiction catalogue.


I have two other sites that might interest you.

Home of my spiritual work, 

self-help books, blog posts, tarot readings,

and my magic shop.

I always wanted a magic shop, so I made one!


This is my whole-foods, plant-based foodie blog.

I post science with links to peer-reviewed studies, 

along with information about the only way of eating that has been proven to REVERSE coronary artery disease and type 2 diabetes. 

People who decide to eat real food frequently get off all their medications, reverse Type 2 diabetes, reduce A1-C, cholesterol, inflammatory markers. Switching to WFPB changes the expression of more than 500 genes in positive ways, and shuts down the expression of mutated genes like BRCA1 and BRCA2, (the mutations that can cause colorectal, breast, pancreatic and other cancers)

I feel so good I want to help others feel this way too, so if you want to know more, visit the site and click the subscribe button. It's free.



I am also taking a few editing clients

through my daughter's full service editing company,

Practical Proofing

for my 

Masterclass Edit

It's a chance for storytellers to work with me one-on-one

to polish their book and in the process, develop their voice.


And of course there's

Maggie's Coffee House Blog

Where I discuss all things related to story,

and many things related to women.


I've been on all the bestseller lists:

NY Times, USA Today, Ingrams A-list,

And my titles appear regularly on the

Amazon and Apple Book Bestseller lists.

On Amazon I've been #1 in Books

and #1 in the entire Kindle Store

multiple times each.

I've won many of my genre's awards; The RITA®, The Readers' Choice Award, The Daphne Du Maurier Award, The PRISM Award, Multiple Reviewers' Choice and RT Bookclub Magazine Awards, Lifetime Achievement Awards, and many others.

At last count I had 21 award wins and 33 additional nominations.


Now I'm just having fun.




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Facebook Readers Group

@MaggieShayne on Threads


@MaggieShayne on Instagram

We no longer use Twitter


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You can buy NEW books here.

 Then choose a series

from the dropdown menu.


You can buy USED and RARE 

out-of-print books here, too.

The Paperback Shop

US only. FREE shipping

Everything comes autographed



You can book a tarot reading here


You can read Coffee House Blog Posts here


You can find every single series listed here, under Ebooks & Print in the dropdown menu.


I'm adding more features all the time.

So explore and enjoy!

Created and Copyrighted by Maggie Shayne Lewis 2021 - 2022

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