The BLISS Collection
Non-fiction spiritual self-help: Law of Attraction meets Natural Magic!
Coming January 31, 2023
The Bliss Book

Law of Attraction is far more than a way to get better stuff.
You create your own reality, or so everyone keeps saying.If your reply is “Yeah, but HOW?” then this book is for you.
The Bliss Book will help you change the job you hate into one you love, paralyzing debt into lush abundance, deteriorating health into vibrant wellness, loneliness into a loving relationship, insomnia into restful, healing sleep, and chronic worry into confident ease. It will even help you make peace with death through a deeper understanding.
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Each chapter ends with a note from the Goddess and a short, easy assignment to put what you’ve learned into practice. If you do these tasks, your default settings will shift, and you’ll become more positive, developing mindfulness and presence without even knowing you’re doing it. You’ll begin to master the powerful, but exquisitely simple Law of Attraction, and as a result everything will change for the better. Because you will change for the better.This book lovingly takes you by the hand and leads you step by step to a happier, healthier, more spiritual life, more meaningful life.Embark on the most fulfilling journey imaginable.Bliss up your life, with New York Times and USA Today bestselling, multi-award-winning author Maggie Shayne’s BLISS BOOK.BONUS CONTENT:Gorgeous illustrations Assignments after each chapterBookclub/Study Group Discussion TopicsDedicated Facebook Page & Facebook Community

Magick and the Law of Attraction: A User's Guide

You are more powerful
than you ever dreamed!
The Law of Attraction is currently sweeping our awareness thanks to works like those of Jerry and Esther Hicks and the hit film, THE SECRET. “Like attracts like,” it says. “You can only experience what you put out,” it says. “You can and do create your own reality,” it says.
To those who practice natural magick, folk magick, witchcraft, this is old news. Creating one’s reality is what spells are all about.
Now for the first time, a high priestess and elder in the Craft of the Wise, who has been studying Law of Attraction for more than decade, explains how anyone can learn to blend these two disciplines into an easy, blissful way of being that will enhance and empower your life beyond anything you’ve ever imagined.
The Annuals
A Year of Bliss
Volumes 1, 2, and 3

Where Law of Attraction Meets Natural Magic
New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Maggie Shayne’s Bliss Blog is changing lives and raising vibrations everywhere. It empowers readers with a deeper understanding of the Universe and our place within it.
Learn to super-charge your connection to Source, tune up your intuition, and raise your vibe. With a little practice, you’ll soon see your fondest wishes popping into your your experience. It’s amazing, and far simpler than most are making it.
Every chapter speaks to, uplifts, and soothes the soul.
THE BLISS COLLECTION compiles three years worth of the Bliss Blog’s wisdom, guidance, rituals, meditations, insights and spells and puts it all right at your fingertips.
The Bliss Blog, where law of attraction meets natural magic.