It's September 22nd, and overnight, the foliage around my home just popped to life. I can see how vivid the leaves are today, despite the lingering fog, mist, low hanging clouds, and rain. Yesterday I was looking around saying, “Here they come. Any day now. Almost there.” And today, there they are. As soon as the clouds clear I'll start snapping some photos and sharing them here and on my Facebook page. Until then, I'm sharing this stunner from years gone by, taken just up the road from where I live, at a place I dream about living someday soon. Right on that lake. I don't know who owns it, but I'm planning to find out, and ask them to put me at the top of the list should they ever decide to sell, even a little piece, on that gorgeous lake. Perfect spot for my dream home.
I love to dream.
As fall rolls in, and the Equinox in particular, my thoughts turn to harvest themes. This is the second of the three annual harvest festivals observed by many of the nature religions, and it's a time of Thanksgiving. I have a lot to be thankful for, including a career changing event that I thought was a disaster at the time. Due to a number of circumstances beyond my control, I was forced to make a decision that terrified me–I left traditional publishing and went completely independent. I cried, I panicked, I ranted, and I raged.
The very day after that happened, I had a little “Note from the Universe” in my email box. I've probably posted about this before. It said (Paraphrasing here) “You keep saying you want things to change, and then when they do, you scream bloody murder and hold onto the old way for dear life. Relax. This is what you wanted.”
Well, in hindsight, that Note from the Universe was eerily accurate. Leaving traditional publishing is beginning to look like the best thing that has ever happened to me.
Another of the things I'm most thankful for, both today on Mabon and every day of the year, is you, my readers. Those who've stuck with me through thick and thin, through years and decades, as well as those who are only just now discovering me and my work for the first time. I truly love you. All of you. I try hard to let you know that through my interactions with you online. I hope you know it's sincere.
So let bring you up to speed on where we are with our releases, and what's coming up for this holiday season.
Wings in the Night
The series of my heart lives on with a brand new book that represents both a new beginning for the series, Wings in the Night: Reborn, and a new beginning for me, as it is my very first self published original title. Twilight Guardians is on sale now in ebook at all online outlets, worldwide, and in print at Amazon and Create Space. We're looking into ways to get it into brick & mortar bookstores, as well. TG is selling briskly, lingering in the Amazon Top 100 Vamp Romances since release day, and garnering some fabulous reviews. The series will continue with another novel to be released in the Fall of 2015.
The Texas Brands
All nine books of The Texas Brands are now on sale in all outlets, worldwide. Book 1, The Littlest Cowboy, is FREE, and the other eight titles are $2.99 – $3.99 each. We don't have them all available in print just yet, but that's in progress. For all the books in the series, in order, with all links, hop over to the BRAND FAMILY PAGE right here on the site. All nine Texas Brands books have been in the Amazon Top 100 for western romance (most of them in the top 20) ever since we released them. We've been selling over 1000 copies a day for most of September and we think that's going to rise in October thanks to some strategizing on our part.
Oklahoma All-Girl Brands
In progress now: We are currently re-packaging, re-proofing, and re-releasing all five books of the Oklahoma All Girl Brands, and I'm writing a sixth. By reader demand, Vidalia Brand is getting her own story, a holiday tale of miracles and magic that I hope to have out by Thanksgiving, but for sure in time for Christmas. The title will be Sweet Vidalia Brand, or maybe just Sweet Vidalia. Which do you like better? As they become available they will be added to the Brand Family Page, as well.
Brown & de Luca
I still have two more titles releasing from my former publisher, and they are both part of my award winning Brown & de Luca novels. Innocent Prey releases in exactly 8 days, on September 30th. Then Deadly Obsession comes out near Thanksgiving. Both can be pre-ordered right now. I haven't yet decided whether I'll continue this series or not. A lot will depend on how well these two titles sell. I left Rachel and Mason in a very good place at the end of Deadly Obsession, so if it's the final book, it's a perfect place to end it. But I really love these two and I doubt I'll let them go.
For all the pre-order links, hop over to the main page. They're right there.
I have no idea what I'll be writing after I finish Vidalia Brand's story, but I trust that my muse will guide me as she always has. (Rhiannon popped into my head as I typed that, so chances are, it'll be the next Wings in the Night: Reborn novel.)
Thanks, readers. And Happy Fall!