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New Summer Reads!

Writer's picture: Maggie ShayneMaggie Shayne

Spring is finally here, in rural Cortland County NY, although there's still snow in the woods, and this morning was a brisk 22 degrees with a heavy frost on the ground. I'm getting lots of letters from readers, who apparently, having seen my new non-fiction book all over the internet are in a panic about their favorite series. So clearly I needed to give you an update.

My Muse and Me….

First, I need to speak from the heart. I cannot write something unless I'm passionate about it and my muse is in the mood to send the story on down. The Bliss Book is a work of my heart, one I've been called to write, and I hope to write more in this field, which I call spiritual self-help. I'm a spiritual teacher at heart and always have been.

I plan to write a Bliss Book featuring each of the elements, and call them something like Blissful Earth, Blissful Air, Blissful Fire, Blissful Water, and Blissful Spirit, probably one a year or less as they come to me. My notion is to fill them with lore and rituals to help readers empower themselves and their lives with the Law of Attraction combined with the power of natural magic.

But don't worry. I have big plans for many more novels, too!


For those asking for more Wings in the Night…

Within a week we'll have pre-order links and an official cover (this is just a placeholder I threw together on Canva) for FIONA: ORIGINS. This will be the blown up, fleshed out, triple length novel version of last year's Fiona Files serial. It's set in the Wings in the Night universe, as Fiona works for the DPI. Rhiannon, Roland and the Offspring will be major characters in this book, but it will be listed as its own sub-series, with the series title Fiona Files. Each book title will be FIONA: SOMETHING and I have several planned.

FIONA: ORIGINS will release on July 24th. Pre-order going up next week!


For those asking for more Brown & de Luca…

I had every intention of writing that first, before Fiona, but the muse disagreed. I tried and tried and tried, but the only time my writing was catching fire, was while working on the Fiona serial, and it just kept going. So Brown and de Luca had to step aside. I can only write what I'm receiving. I don't make this stuff up, I channel it. So, if my muse cooperates, Little Girl Blue will be next on my list after Fiona is done. I'll be working on both that new novel, and the novelization of the B&D serial The One Who Cried Wolf as soon as Fiona is complete. Which means, we're probably looking toward October for those to be released. And that's a tight, optimistic estimate.


For those asking for more McIntyres…

Last year was all about the McIntyre Men series. We've changed the name of the series to Bliss in Big Falls. Jessica is working on the next Wakeland family story, and I'm eager to get on with Jason and Sunny's tale. But it has to wait until the above two projects are finished, which means, I can't even come close to giving you an ETA on Oklahoma Sunshine hitting the shelves just yet. It just depends on how everything else goes. I do plan to write two more books in this series. In addition to Jason and Sunny, I am feeling compelled to write a story for Jack Kellogg. He's a lovable rascal, my favorite kind of hero. And Jessica has at least two more members of Big Falls' Wakeland family to write books for, so those will be coming down the pike as well. I plan to dive back into my Big Falls universe as soon as I finish with Brown and de Luca.

However, because I know you love small-town contemporary romance, and because fans of the McIntyres came onboard as fans of the Brands (same extended family) I've decided that this year's FREE serial story will be set on the Texas Brand ranch, and I'll be getting the first of those out to you in May.

If you're not all caught up with The Texas Brands, grab book 1, The Littlest Cowboy FREE in e.


For those asking for more By Magic and/or Immortals series…

I have every intention of writing a sequel to The Immortals series, and I also have another book planned in By

Magic. The By Magic book will feature the two children born during the course of that series, the little girl from By Magic Born, and the little boy from By Magic Enchanted. I keep waiting for a gap between other stories or for the muse to say it's time. (I know it's time when, no matter what I try to write, I can't seem to write anything except one project–this is what happened with Fiona.)

But as you can see from the list above, I have my hands pretty full. And bear in mind that what takes me three months to write, and another month or two for editing, revising, copyediting, proofreading, packaging, and releasing, takes you a matter of hours to read. So keeping up with you would not be impossible, even if I spent my entire life writing all day every day.

So I'll do the best I can, writing as much as I can while still enjoying my time on planet earth, which is what I'm here for, after all. And without living life and experiencing all the world beyond my computer screen has to offer, i'd have no stories to write anyway. Experience is grist for the novelist's mill. Maybe more accurately, it's gas for the tank. We can't run on empty.

I love you guys a lot and I hope you're relishing life too!



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