For Harrison Hyde and the Runaway Bride

And just like that, The Texas Brand, my most popular series ever, is BACK.
This family has never been far from my mind or from my heart, probably because it's a big, loud, close-knit family whose members are always up in each other's business, much like my own. And because it's set in a small-town just like mine.
During the intervening years, since you last visited this family, a lot has happened. All the offspring from those first 9 novels, have grown. Let me catch you up.
Maria Michele, from The Baddest Virgin in Texas
Daughter of Jessi Brand, Maria's five uncles are as protective of her as they were of her mom, who was both the baby and the only girl of the elder generation. Maria (26) has been raised by a bad-ass, and the apple hasn't fallen far from the tree.
She's followed in her mom's footsteps, has just finished training as a vet and will join her mom in the clinic and gradually take it over. All that's left in her plan is to find a husband, have two kids, and settle into her place in the community. But on her wedding day, everything goes off the rails.
Bubba, from The Littlest Cowboy
He was the baby on the doorstep that kicked off the entire series. Bubba's real name, you might recall, is Garrett Ethan, after the kind man who had helped his mother when she was pregnant and alone 28 years ago. Later, when she knew trouble had found her, his mother him baby on the doorstep of the best place she'd ever visited, The Texas Brand. Later, her sister Chelsea came looking for her missing nephew and never left. She married Garrett, and they adopted him.
Today, Bubba goes by Ethan Brand, and he's a country singer. He's been playing at small venues and honky tonks around the country and has had one hit song. His visits home are few and far between. But he did come for his cousin Maria's wedding, so he's a major presence in this book, and you'll get to know him again. He grew up as big as his adopted dad Garrett. He's never felt like a real Brand, thought, and doubts he's worthy of the name, knowing his birth father is a criminal serving life for having killed his mother.
Willow, from Badlands Bad Boy
The baby girl born to Wes Brand and his wife Taylor is Willow (25,) the newest Deputy at the Quinn County Sheriff's department, where her uncle Garrett is still sheriff, and her uncle Lash, Maria's dad, is chief deputy.
Willow is finding her path. She wants to be good at everything she does, but will never be as comfortable behind her badge as her two uncles, and she fears, never as competent. She's aware of but not truly in touch with her Comanche roots and I think she has a spiritual journey ahead of her.
So far, that's all she's revealed.
Orrin and Drew, whose parents' tale was Long Gone Lonesome Blues
Ben and Penny planned to name their first daughter after Nancy Drew, but the baby squawled every time they said Nancy. Then her father tried, "Drew," and she quieted right down. Drew is 22 as this series begins. She's insatiably curious, and helps her mom run her PI business. She's brilliant at solving minor crimes and finding missing things. Orrin and Drew's dad Ben, owns the gym in town where he teaches martial arts to the kids of local good ol' boys. Few of them take it as seriously as Orrin and Drew, though. They each have black belts in three disciplines.
Drew's older brother Orrin (23) is a quiet, thoughtful, and brooding guy. He hasn't revealed too much about himself to me yet. He helps out at both the gym and at his mom's PI firm, but I feel like neither of those is his thing. He might still be figuring out what his thing is, or maybe he's just not ready to tell me yet.
Orrin and Drew are blue-eyed blonds like their parents.
Trevor, whose parents' tale was Outlaw Bride
Trevor (24) is the son of Esmeralda and Elliot. He has the brown eyes and skin of his Mexican mom, and his hair is auburn and curly like his dad's. He also has his dad's sense of humor. He's the guy who can always cheer up anyone who's down.
He tells me he's teaching English as a second language to immigrants in nearby border towns, and I feel there's a really juicy story in there just waiting for me to find it.
Baxter, from Texas Homecoming
Baxter is the son of Jasmine and adopted son of Luke Brand. He was a brilliant little guy who witnessd a murder, and fled with his mom to hide out in a small Texas town. That's where she met and married Luke.. Baxter was raised a Brand from then on. He and Bubba, close in age, are more like brothers than cousins.
Baxter is a biochemist, and he's working on "growing food in the desert." That's what he said when Harrison Hyde asked him what he was working on in Book 1, and that's all I know. He has shaggy blond hair and still wears round wire-rimmed glasses. I feel like he's laid back, easy going, wears loafers, not boots. Those are my clues so far.
This is the journey you'll begin today with Maria Michele's book, Harrison Hyde and the Runaway Bride.
I'm planning a book for each and every one of these characters. I think Bubba's–sorry–Ethan's is next. (He gets irritated when people call him Bubba.)
I hope you'll join me on this ride. Even I don't know what's going to happen along the way, but I do plan to keep them coming, one after the next so you don't have to wait as long between books.
Here, for your convenience, are the buy links
Book 1
Harrison Hyde and the Runaway Bride
Thank you, dear readers! This would be way less fun without you!