It's the day before release day, and all through the den
The author is trying to reclaim her zen
She soaks in the tub with some oils essential,
She says that the outcome is inconsequential,
What matters, she knows, is the fun she had writing it
Not whether the masses to their shelves are inviting it
Bestseller lists feed only the ego,
And maybe the dogs and the people, but we go
On all the same, be it feast time or famine
And stories keep coming, that's the game that I am in.
Was born to create them and weave them with magic
Will die with more in me to tell, which is tragic
But I'll pass them along to some young yearning scribe
And she'll call me her muse and my stories imbibe
And they'll sell or they won't, and we'll claim not to care
While we livestream the rankings and pull out our hair.
No, seriously, I'm fine.
Here it is, release day Eve for FATAL FAMILY SECRETS!
Order today, and read it tomorrow. I hope you enjoy it. I really am trying to get my zen back, but you know, it's always tense the day before a new one drops. It's like giving birth, in a way.
To celebrate the new release, Book 1, FATAL FIXER UPPER is on sale all week long for just 99¢
Links to both books are on the FATAL page here on the site. Just click the image below to get there. There's also an excerpt from the new one, so don't miss out.
The Fatal Series Rom-com ghost mysteries with a Scooby gang you'll want to join!
I can't talk about what's next yet. Right now the whole focus is on sending this one off into the world with love. I truly hope it spreads joy and provides some relief, escape, and pleasure to all who read it. It comes straight from my heart.
Blessed be, little book.