My very first novel was released in September 1993, making this month, September 2023, my 30-year anniversary as a published author. And since my first two books released back-to-back, October marks Twilight Phantasies', and therefore Wings in the Night's 30th birthday! Holy crap! That makes me sound old. I'm not old, I swear.
I have nostalgia and memories below, but I wanted to put the first part of my huge anniversary celebration right up here at the top.
The Anniversary Giveaway
This is US only just due to the nature of the prizes and cost of shipping. But stay tuned, I have more in mind!
Grand Prize: All 24 Wings in the Night books.

Magical Gift Pack: 1 brass incense burner, 1 package "La Luna" incense cones, 1 ceramic oil warmer, 1 bottle essential fragrance oil "Good Fortune," 1 tea light candle, 1 Reiki Herbal Pillar Candle "Positive Energy," 1 each tumbled amethyst, rose quartz, emerald, red agate, and magnetic hematite gemstones in a drawstring carrying bag, 1 piece sacred Palo Santo wood.
*Books delivered as Amazon US gift card of equivalent amount. Magical Gift Pack will be shipped via USPS in the US only. Entrants agree to receive Maggie Shayne's newsletter, but may use the one-click unsubscribe option at any time after receiving their first issue.
Thirty Years On: Nostalgia
1993 was my first year as a published author. It happened in September, when my very first novel, RECKLESS ANGEL, was released by Silhouette Intimate Moments. The editor called it "The perfect Intimate Moments novel" and the industry nominated it for a RITA® Award.
Since then the book has been re-released numerous times with numerous covers, and now today, goes by RECKLESS and lives at Oliver Heber Books, my publisher.
This is the latest cover, and it's already due for an update.
RECKLESS is not a PC book by today's standards. In it, an exposé writer witnesses a mob hit, and is then abducted by the hit man. They proceed to fall in love while he's holding her captive. But you know, there are reasons! (*I'd add that my readers are intelligent enough to know the difference between fantasy and reality, but that's a whole other blog post.)
Today, RECKLESS is Book 1 of a 4-book series, Shattered Sisters.
Sidebar: The fifth book, HUNTED, will be up just as fast as I can proofread it. However, I'm in creative-mode at the moment and have to write while the muse is cooperating.
Technically, TWILIGHT PHANTASIES was my second published novel. But I had submitted it to the publisher before RECKLESS. The editor, Melissa Senate, had accidentally met me at a local writers' conference I had accidentally helped organize, because I had accidentally placed myself at her table.
She wanted to make an offer on TP, but she couldn't because I was a brand new writer, and their policy was, with a newbie, you get any necessary revisions first, then offer the contract. And there were revisions needed. Namely, there was way too much attention being given to a side character, the hero's best friend, Roland. I needed to cut his scenes back. I should just save them for the sequel, Senate suggested.
And my brain went, Sequel? Holy shit, there can be a sequel?! (This was before the times when every book was part of a series. Sequels were not a given. Besides, my entire focus was on getting published with a single minded determination that only other aspiring authors, who lived before self-publishing was a viable thing, can understand.)
So I revised, and while I was revising, I submitted my romantic suspense, and they bought it. The two contracts came only weeks apart, and the two books released within a month of each other. Reckless Angel was only first by chance, and in my heart Twilight Phantasies was really my firstborn.
I love them both, but the vampires have my soul.
TWILIGHT PHANTASIES was first a short story...
I'd been told my multiple friends and relatives, none of them writers, that it would be easier to publish a short story than a novel. I was young, what can I say? So I wrote this vampire short story that started with the midnight ice skating scene that remains in the book to this day.
I submitted the story to the handful of magazines that still published fiction at the time, and heard back from one who loved it and offered to publish it, just as soon as I sent my sizable subscription fee. They only publish subscribers, after all.
I wasn't that young. I know one thing that had been drummed into my head. I don't pay anyone to publish my work. They pay me. That had been drummed into my head by the older girls, you know, the cool, already published ones.
I said no thanks, and decided to expand the story into a book because that seemed to be what it wanted. I was just about finished when Silhouette announced a brand new line. Silhouette Shadows. And I knew that's where my book belonged.
And I was right.
So it's a Double Anniversary
Maggie Shayne is a pseudonym. She was born to the world in September, 1993 with the release of her first title, RECKLESS ANGEL
TWILIGHT PHANTASIES and Wings in the Night were born a month later, appropriately in October. For when else could a such a series be born?
So we're both turning 30!
I really like the notion that a significant portion of me is turning 30!)
This is worthy of significant celebration. And since life offers us only a limited number of those, I intend to make the most of it.
We might have other prizes as we go through this happy period of revelry, so check back and stay in touch!
Maggie Shayne, turning 30 in September. (Pass it on, will ya?)