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"…an epic adventure with romance, deception, and magic. Adam Reid is breathtakingly sexy. - The plot is fantastic right up to the heart-wrenching climax."

                    –Kara Skinner

      Lover's Quarrel Reviews



By Magic, Book 1


Brigit wants a normal life…
..for herself and her quirky roomie and best friend, Razor Face Malone. Her uncanny skills with brush and canvas got her off the streets, but she’s left her life of forgery behind.


Then a dangerous man kidnaps Raze. He’ll kill him unless she does what he says: get into a reclusive professor's life, into his home, forge a replica of a painting he owns, and switch it for the original.


His prized possession…
Adam Reid saw the place in real life—that same impossible world that’s depicted in the painting that is his prized possession. He’d written off his childhood journey as a hallucination. But then he found the painting. So if he was never really there, how is it some artist saw it too?


He'll protect his painting at any cost. She'll steal it, no matter what it takes.


On opposite sides of a conflict neither can afford to lose, with more than just their own lives at stake, the last thing they need is passion, desire, or God forbid love.

The rest of the series...

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Created and Copyrighted by Maggie Shayne Lewis 2021 - 2022

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