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Loup Garou in the Bayou!

Professor Jennifer Rose is in a Louisiana bayou for one reason–to track down the truth behind recent sightings of a loup-garou. A werewolf. She doesn’t believe in such things, of course. She expects to find an animal no one’s ever seen before. Discovering a previously unknown species would make her career as a scientist.


But what she finds amid the mists and Spanish moss on the first night of the full moon isn’t at all scientific. A lycanthrope in mid-morph takes a swipe at her before loping off into the marsh.


A shape-shifter and a Voodoo curse...

That’s not the only weird thing happening around the historic plantation where she and her crew are staying. The head of her department is acting more like a stalker, her grad student assistants are spying on her, and the housekeeper is a Voodoo priestess who knows far more than she’s saying.


The sexy town doctor who tends the wolf-inflicted wounds on Jenny’s chest isn’t what he seems, either. She’s dangerously attracted to the secretive loner, and determined to learn what he’s hiding.


She'll risk it all for the truth...

Jenny knows where she’ll find the answers, but the bayou’s a dangerous place for a woman alone on a full moon night.

Maggie's Entire
Collection of Novellas
at Bargain Prices!

Novella-length print equivalent - about 100 pages | 2.99 each
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